Success is not the result of chance. It is the product of serious and consicous efforts. We keep the quality alive by our 40 years experience...
Fundementals of Başaran Motor have been taken by Chairman of Board Salih Öztaş in Konya with motor grinding at 1971 with the current work of engine renovation by the line with changing world order. Our company Başaran Motor has been executing production of automotive spare parts and trade depending on the structure of companies and brand Başaran Motor, that is proposing to provide the best service and contribution to automotive industry in every field, is aware of being able to have a say in this sector by stable and disciplined work.
1971-2011 Our web site, that is worthy of fortieth years in our fortieth anniversary... Internet technology that is an essential communication tools of our age, has been the most efficiently getting aimed to be used by Başaran Motor.We are happy to provide the best service to our friends and customers whom do not leave us for forthy years by both visual information such as e-BMY, e-BGS and online ordering system.